<div class="eI0"> <div class="eI1">Modèle:</div> <div class="eI2"><h2><a href="http://www.knmi.nl/" target="_blank" target="_blank">HARMONIE 40</a>(HARMONIE-AROME Cy40) from the Netherland Weather Service</h2></div> </div> <div class="eI0"> <div class="eI1">Mise à jour:</div> <div class="eI2">4 times per day, from 06:00, 12:00, 18:00, and 00:00 UTC</div> </div> <div class="eI0"> <div class="eI1">Greenwich Mean Time:</div> <div class="eI2">12:00 UTC = 14:00 CEST</div> </div> <div class="eI0"> <div class="eI1">Résolution:</div> <div class="eI2">0.025° x 0.037°</div> </div> <div class="eI0"> <div class="eI1">Paramètre:</div> <div class="eI2">Sea Level Pressure in hPa </div> </div> <div class="eI0"> <div class="eI1">Description:</div> <div class="eI2"> The surface chart (also known as surface synoptic chart) presents the distribution of the atmospheric pressure observed at any given station on the earth's surface reduced to sea level. You can read the positions of the controlling weather features (highs, lows, ridges or troughs) from the distribution of the isobars (lines of equal sea level pressure). The isobars define the pressure field. The pressure field is the dominating player in the weather system. Additionally, this map helps you to identify synoptic-scale waves and gives you a first estimate on meso-scale fronts. </div> </div> <div class="eI0"> <div class="eI1">Spaghetti plots:</div> <div class="eI2"> are a method of viewing data from an ensemble forecast.<br> A meteorological variable e.g. pressure, temperature is drawn on a chart for a number of slightly different model runs from an ensemble. The model can then be stepped forward in time and the results compared and be used to gauge the amount of uncertainty in the forecast.<br> If there is good agreement and the contours follow a recognisable pattern through the sequence then the confidence in the forecast can be high, conversely if the pattern is chaotic i.e resembling a plate of spaghetti then confidence will be low. Ensemble members will generally diverge over time and spaghetti plots are quick way to see when this happens.<br> <br>Spaghetti plot. (2009, July 7). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:22, February 9, 2010, from <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spaghetti_plot&oldid=300824682" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spaghetti_plot&oldid=300824682</a> </div> </div> <div class="eI0"> <div class="eI1">HARMONIE:</div> <div class="eI2"><a href="http://www.knmi.nl/" target="_blank">HARMONIE-AROME</a> The non-hydrostatic convection-permitting HARMONIE-AROME model is developed in a code cooperation of the HIRLAM Consortium with Météo-France and ALADIN, and builds upon model components that have largely initially been developed in these two communities. The forecast model and analysis of HARMONIE-AROME are originally based on the AROME-France model from Météo-France (Seity et al, 2011, Brousseau et al, 2011) , but differ from the AROME-France configuration in various respects. A detailed description of the HARMONIE-AROME forecast model setup and its similarities and differences with respect to AROME-France can be found in (Bengtsson et al. 2017). [From: HIRLAM (2017)]<br> </div></div> <div class="eI0"> <div class="eI1">NWP:</div> <div class="eI2">La prévision numérique du temps (PNT) est une application de la météorologie et de l'informatique. Elle repose sur le choix d'équations mathématiques offrant une proche approximation du comportement de l'atmosphère réelle. Ces équations sont ensuite résolues, à l'aide d'un ordinateur, pour obtenir une simulation accélérée des états futurs de l'atmosphère. Le logiciel mettant en œuvre cette simulation est appelé un modèle de prévision numérique du temps.<br><br> <br>Prévision numérique du temps. (2009, décembre 12). Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Page consultée le 20:48, février 9, 2010 à partir de <a href="http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pr%C3%A9vision_num%C3%A9rique_du_temps&oldid=47652746" target="_blank">http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pr%C3%A9vision_num%C3%A9rique_du_temps&oldid=47652746</a>.<br> </div></div> </div>