<div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Mod&egrave;le:</div>
  <div class="eI2"><h2>Times Series from the GFS Ensemble</h2></div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Mise &agrave; jour:</div>
  <div class="eI2">2 times per day, from 10:00 and 23:00 UTC</div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Greenwich Mean Time:</div>
  <div class="eI2">12:00 UTC = 13:00 CET</div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">R&eacute;solution:</div>
  <div class="eI2">1.0&deg; x 1.0&deg;</div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Param&egrave;tre:</div>
  <div class="eI2">Cloud cover (low,middle,high,total)</div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Description:</div>
  <div class="eI2">

Clouds are vertically divided into three levels: low, middle, and high. Each level is defined by the range of levels at which each type of clouds typically appears.<br><br>
<table  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" style="width:100%">
<th>Polar Region</th>
<th>Temperate Region</th>
<th>Tropical Region</th>

<tr  align="center">
<th  align="left">High Clouds</th>
<td >10,000-25,000 ft<br>(3-8 km)</td>
<td>16,500-40,000 ft<br>(5-13 km)</td>
<td>20,000-60,000 ft<br>(6-18 km)</td>

<tr align="center">
<th align="left">Middle Clouds</th>
<td>6,500-13,000 ft<br>(2-4 km)</td>
<td>6,500-23,000 ft<br>(2-7 km)</td>
<td>6,500-25,000 ft<br>(2-8 km)</td>

<tr class="even" align="center">
<th  align="left">Low Clouds</th>
<td>Surface-6,500 ft<br>(0-2 km)</td>
<td>Surface-6,500 ft<br>(0-2 km)</td>
<td>Surface-6,500 ft<br>(0-2 km)</td>
 <br><br>The types of clouds are:<br><br>
High clouds: Cirrus (Ci), Cirrocumulus  (Cc), and Cirrostratus (Cs). They are typically thin and white in appearance, but can appear in a magnificent array of colors when the sun is low on the horizon.<br><br>
Middle clouds: Altocumulus (Ac), Altostratus (As).  They are composed primarily of water droplets, however, they can also be composed of ice crystals when temperatures are low enough.<br><br>
 Low clouds: Cumulus (Cu), Stratocumulus (Sc), Stratus (St), and Cumulonimbus (Cb) are low clouds composed of water droplets.

 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">NWP:</div>
  <div class="eI2">La pr&eacute;vision num&eacute;rique du temps (PNT) est une application de la m&eacute;t&eacute;orologie et de l'informatique. Elle repose sur le choix d'&eacute;quations math&eacute;matiques offrant une proche approximation du comportement de l'atmosph&egrave;re r&eacute;elle. Ces &eacute;quations sont ensuite r&eacute;solues, &agrave; l'aide d'un ordinateur, pour obtenir une simulation acc&eacute;l&eacute;r&eacute;e des &eacute;tats futurs de l'atmosph&egrave;re. Le logiciel mettant en &oelig;uvre cette simulation est appel&eacute; un mod&egrave;le de pr&eacute;vision num&eacute;rique du temps.<br><br>
<br>Pr&eacute;vision num&eacute;rique du temps. (2009, d&eacute;cembre 12). Wikip&eacute;dia, l'encyclop&eacute;die libre. Page consult&eacute;e le 20:48, f&eacute;vrier 9, 2010 &agrave; partir de <a href="http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pr%C3%A9vision_num%C3%A9rique_du_temps&oldid=47652746" target="_blank">http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pr%C3%A9vision_num%C3%A9rique_du_temps&oldid=47652746</a>.<br>