<div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Model:</div>
  <div class="eI2"><h2>557WW: "557th Weather Wing Ensemble" The US Air Force’s 557th Weather Wing creates the Global Ensemble Prediction Suite (GEPS) twice per day by ingesting 63 global forecast model runs produced by three operational numerical modeling centers and creating tailored statistical ensemble forecasts. Products include probabilities for precipitation and snowfall, and means/standard deviations of temperature, wind, pressure, height, and relative humidity. 240 hours of one-degree gridded forecast output is produced at 6 hour intervals on the 00Z and 12Z cycle.</h2></div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Zaktualizowano:</div>
  <div class="eI2">2 times per day, from 06:00 and 18:00 UTC</div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Czas uniwersalny:</div>
  <div class="eI2">12:00 UTC = 13:00 CET</div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Rozdzielczo&#347;&#263;:</div>
  <div class="eI2">1&deg; x 1&deg;</div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">parametr:</div>
  <div class="eI2">Wet bulb potential temperature (&#952;w) in C</div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Opis:</div>
  <div class="eI2">

The ThetaW map - updated every 6 hours - shows the modelled wet bulb potential temperature at the 850hPa level. 
The theta w (&#952;w) areas are encircled by isotherms - lines connecting locations with equal wet bulb potential temperature. 
When an air parcel, starting from a certain pressure level, is lifted dry adiabatically until
saturation and subsequently is brought to a level of 1000 hPa along a saturated adiabat it
reaches what is called the saturated potential wet-bulb temperature: &#952;w.
As long as an air parcel undergoes an adiabatisch process, be it either dry or saturated, and
in both descending and ascending motions &#952;w does not change. Even when precipitation is
evaporating adiabatically &#952;w does not change, therefore &#952;w is "conservative".<BR>
An air mass is defined as a quantity of air with a horizontal extent of several hundred or
thousand kilometres and a thickness of several kilometres, which is homogeneous in thermal
characteristics. Such an air mass may form when air has been over an extensive and
homogeneous part of the Earth's surface during a considerable amount of time. This is the
so-called source area. In due time, by means of radiative exchange processes and contact
with the Earth's surface, an equilibrium develops which is evident from the fact that &#952;w has
approximately the same value in the entire air mass both horizontally and vertically, Hence &#952;w
can be used to characterise an air mass, with both sensible and latent heat are accounted
Depending on possible source areas several main air mass types can be distinguished: polar
air (P), midlatitude air (ML) and (sub)tropical air (T). Also, but these are less important arctic
air (A) and equatorial air (E). These five main types can be subdivided in continental air (c)
and maritime air (m).<BR>
Table 1: Characteristic values for &#952;w at 850 hPa (in &deg;C) for various air masses.
			<TD HEIGHT=18 ALIGN=LEFT><B>Summer</B></TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT><B>Winter</B></TD>
			<TD HEIGHT=18 ALIGN=LEFT>cA &lt; 7 </TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>mA &lt; 9</TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>cA &lt; -5 </TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>mA &lt; -7</TD>
			<TD HEIGHT=18 ALIGN=LEFT>cP 7 - 12 </TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>mP 6 - 12</TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>CP -6 &ndash; 2</TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>mP -3 - 5</TD>
			<TD HEIGHT=18 ALIGN=LEFT>CML 11 &ndash; 16</TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>mML 11 - 16</TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>CML 1 &ndash; 8</TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>mML 3 - 9</TD>
			<TD HEIGHT=18 ALIGN=LEFT>cT 15 - 19 </TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>mT 14 - 19</TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>CT 8 &ndash; 14</TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>mT 8 - 16</TD>
			<TD HEIGHT=18 ALIGN=LEFT>cE &gt; 17 </TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>mE &gt; 18</TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>cE &gt; 14 </TD>
			<TD ALIGN=LEFT>mE &gt; 16</TD>
If the &#952;w distribution is considered on a pressure surface, preferably 850 hPa, then extensive
areas with a small or no gradient can be observed. These areas of homogeneous &#952;w values
may be associated with air masses. Often various homogeneous areas are separated from
one another by relatively narrow transformation zones displaying a strong gradient. Here
frontal zones intersect with the pressure surface. Generally speaking a surface front is
located where at 850 hPa the 'warm boundary' of the zone with the large &#952;w gradient is
present.(Source: <a href="http://www.maq.wur.nl/UK/" target="_blank">Wageningen University</a>)

 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">NWP:</div>
  <div class="eI2">Numeryczna prognoza pogody - ocena stanu atmosfery w przysz&#322;o&#347;ci na podstawie znajomo&#347;ci warunk&oacute;w pocz&#261;tkowych oraz si&#322; dzia&#322;aj&#261;cych na powietrze. Numeryczna prognoza oparta jest na rozwi&#261;zaniu r&oacute;wna&#324; ruchu powietrza za pomoc&#261; ich dyskretyzacji i wykorzystaniu do oblicze&#324; maszyn matematycznych.<br>
Pocz&#261;tkowy stan atmosfery wyznacza si&#281; na podstawie jednoczesnych pomiar&oacute;w na ca&#322;ym globie ziemskim. R&oacute;wnania ruchu cz&#261;stek powietrza wprowadza si&#281; zak&#322;adaj&#261;c, &#380;e powietrze jest ciecz&#261;. R&oacute;wna&#324; tych nie mo&#380;na rozwi&#261;zać w prosty spos&oacute;b. Kluczowym uproszczeniem, wymagaj&#261;cym jednak zastosowania komputer&oacute;w, jest za&#322;o&#380;enie, &#380;e atmosfer&#281; mo&#380;na w przybli&#380;eniu opisać jako wiele dyskretnych element&oacute;w na kt&oacute;re oddzia&#322;ywaj&#261; rozmaite procesy fizyczne. Komputery wykorzystywane s&#261; do oblicze&#324; zmian w czasie temperatury, ci&#347;nienia, wilgotno&#347;ci, pr&#281;dko&#347;ci przep&#322;ywu, i innych wielko&#347;ci opisuj&#261;cych element powietrza. Zmiany tych w&#322;asno&#347;ci fizycznych powodowane s&#261; przez rozmaitego rodzaju procesy, takie jak wymiana ciep&#322;a i masy, opad deszczu, ruch nad g&oacute;rami, tarcie powietrza, konwekcj&#281;, wpływ promieniowania s&#322;onecznego, oraz wp&#322;yw oddziaływania z innymi cz&#261;stkami powietrza. Komputerowe obliczenia dla wszystkich element&oacute;w atmosfery daj&#261; stan atmosfery w przysz&#322;o&#347;ci czyli prognoz&#281; pogody.<br>
W dyskretyzacji r&oacute;wna&#324; ruchu powietrza wykorzystuje si&#281; metody numeryczne r&oacute;wna&#324; r&oacute;&#380;niczkowych cz&#261;stkowych - st&#261;d nazwa numeryczna prognoza pogody.<br>
<br>Zobacz Wikipedia, Numeryczna prognoza pogody, <a href="http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeryczna_prognoza_pogody" target="_blank">http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeryczna_prognoza_pogody</a> (dost&#281;p lut. 9, 2010, 20:49 UTC).<br>